“The guide to a freer, healthier and happier life”. (ELLE) Addicted to our screens, to the Internet, compulsive players, emotionally dependent, hooked on tobacco, on alcohol, on food, on sex … We are all, to very varying degrees, dependent on something which may cause problems if it gets out of control. Could you be affected? The answer is in this book! It will help you to keep or – if…

“What are the effects of technology addiction on the everyday lives of our children?” If teachers spend at least as much time with our children as we do, they may know them as well as we do, and their opinions may be worth as much as our own. We spoke to a primary school teacher, Ece İkizler. Here are her opinions and conclusions about hyperconnectivity – which means spending a…

The relationship between sleep disorders (or “somnipathy”) and internet addiction is not really well known. However, because of the importance of both conditions, we feel that it is appropriate to assess their relationship. It is well known that becoming addicted to the screen can have a negative impact upon our health. What’s less well known is that every night millions of young people wake up to access the Internet. In…

Tinder who?? Well, unless you live on another planet or you’re completely disconnected from everything going on around you, if you’re between 20 and 35 years old, you must have heard of or used the famous dating app that everybody’s talking about. It’s already given rise to some new words like Tinderella and Tinder-Surprise, to which we would have to add Tinder Addict! For obvious reasons of ease of use,…

Can you become addicted to reading the news? In a world of 24 hours television news, smartphones and Twitter, it certainly feels like it. Because we are constantly assaulted by information about events, we come to believe that we have to stay up to date. We need to know everything about wars, disasters, or even celebrities. Then there is the fear factor. Much of what we see and read is…