Placed in an environment at -110º for three minutes, the human body produces endorphins, which reduce pain. Sportsmen and women have been benefiting from this for a long time, and it is now reaching the general public. Using cold to ease pain is a very old technique, which got the official stamp of approval about 40 years ago when researchers became interested in its effects. Treatments using intense cold spread…

Cryotherapy, a chilled experience for pain treatment
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Gratitude and patience are closely linked, according to an American study
Read Moreor Be grateful and it’ll make you patient! A study by an American psychologist looking for a link between patience and the level of gratitude that people feel towards others has prompted me to do some serious thinking. Here are the main points of the study, and its astonishing conclusion. David DeSteno, a researcher at Northeastern University, asked 105 volunteers to carry out a task using a computer – which…

Danger, excess sugar! What’s an easy way to go about reducing your sugar consumption?
Read MoreThere’s too much sugar in our lives! This “feel good” food, at high doses, is a real toxin for the body. However, reducing consumption is much easier than it might seem. Why not try a little detox? Too much! It’s too much! Sugar is practically an addiction in our society. People in France, for example, currently consume 20-30 kg (45-65 pounds) per year per person, compared with a little over…

“Morning Magic” – is early rising the key to success?
Read More“The world belongs to early risers”. It’s not by any means a new saying, but it has been developed by Hal Elrod in his book “The Miracle Morning”. According to this American personal development coach, anybody who wants to revolutionise their life and realise their dreams needs to leap out of bed early! Or even very early, because the author urges us to get up at 5.30am. This strategy, which…

What’s So “Super” About Superfoods?
Read MoreChances are, you’ve heard the term ‘superfoods’ before – it’s almost unavoidable to hear about the latest food trends, or what foods are better for us than others, and why. But while we might be inundated with the idea of superfoods, most of us still don’t know what many of them are, or even what makes them so ‘super’ in the first place. We can say they are simply foods…

Stating a case for the avocado and its benefits
Read MoreThe avocado, or alligator pear, is an attractive green fruit with a number of benefits. Don’t miss out. You like avocados? Us too. Do you feel guilty when you eat them? Us too … well, a bit. They have a high fat content, being the source of avocado oil with its widely-recognised anti-aging properties, so they’re something to leave out of your diet if you’re watching your weight, and of…

Straight from Japan – it’s the salad cake
Read MoreYou might think that “salad cake” (or cake salad) comes from the USA, but no, it’s the work of Japanese food stylist Mitsuki Moriyasu. She has put her talents to work for epicures who don’t want to put on weight, by making vegetables and fruits the basis for a cake. And you can believe it. This patisserie with its candy colours really does look like gateaux or cakes. A bit…

The Meaning of Mindfulness – You’ve Heard About It, But What Does It Mean To Be Mindful?
Read MoreThe very word ‘mindfulness’ has taken an impressive upward shift in popularity in recent years, even though there is nothing particularly ‘new’ about the concept of being mindful. In today’s somewhat chaotic society, it comes as no surprise that people are turning to the idea of mindfulness as a way to relax, escape, and truly find a deeper meaning within themselves. Once reserved as a sort of ‘yoga slang’ for…

Not Just ‘Another Dumb Blonde!’
Read MoreIt’s been an age-old stereotype: Blondes are dumb. As simple and silly as that statement might seem, it’s been the subject of jokes, movie plots, and everyday conversation for years and years, giving blondes a negative reputation for being scatterbrained, forgetful, and simply ‘not that smart.’ Society has played upon this stereotype by taking advantage of the idea that because blondes aren’t so smart, they have more fun, or are…

The art of layering for perfect skincare
Read MoreBeautiful and radiant skin is something that every one dreams of! There are so many external factors like pollution and other harmful chemicals that damage the look and appearance of our skin. Also, with age it is natural for the skin to lose its elasticity and glow resulting in dull and wrinkled skin. Everyday numerous skincare products hit the market but unfortunately most of these products fail to deliver the…