In this post we’re talking about addiction to soap operas. The French have a word for it – “sériephilie”, or “sériphile addict” to borrow a phrase from sociologist Clément Combes. The very idea of soap addiction makes some people smile. So who’s hidden behind the label? A person who loses control of their consumption of television series, to the point where their social life is affected. And we have to…

Guest Writer, Donna Gregory—yoga teacher and holistic therapist at Donna Crystal Holistics Addictions are easy to develop but a tremendous struggle to overcome. People typically do not realize they are becoming addicted until after the addiction has already secured a strong grip on their lives. Trying to beat the addiction causes a high level of stress. Willpower alone may not be enough, and sometimes, attempts to quit can lead the…

Can an addiction to pessimism be detrimental to our health? Is a negative outlook holding us back from a happier, healthier state of being? Modern research tends to suggest that the way we view the world; ourselves, our future, work, family etc., can have a huge effect on how we experience it. So how can a pessimistic outlook affect us, and what can we do to turn that frown upside…

Eating too much or too little – bulimia and anorexia, two extreme pathologies in our relationship with food, affect primarily adolescent girls and young women. A combination of factors lies at the origin of eating disorders, and the psychological aspect is the most important of these. The example of anorexia illustrates the point. Like all illnesses of a psychological nature, anorexia is difficult to pin down or treat. However, since…

“Citius, altius, fortius” (“Faster, Higher, Stronger”) – the famous words spoken in 1894 by Baron Pierre de Coubertin on the creation of the International Olympic Committee. Today they’re more relevant than ever, but their meaning has been subverted. The desire to improve athletic performance is still a noble quest, but too often it leads athletes at the highest levels to overdo things, to lose their way and commit excesses including…

Who wouldn’t want to be fit and well? It’s certainly a reasonable desire, but today’s society has made well-being, fitness and health into an obsession reinforced by media such as publicity, television and magazines. The number of people affected by hypochondria is increasing with every passing year, reinforced by new weight-loss programs, new dietary supplements, and new products to make you look younger. This obsession with having a perfectly healthy…