I’m always on the lookout for a care routine to suit my dry skin, and in the past I’ve tested several brands without success. Recently, though, I’ve discovered the Teoxane range, and the results are excellent. Experts in anti-ageing, the Swiss company Téoxane makes products based on hyaluronic acid. I’ll tell you about my favourites! ADVANCED FILLER After the age of 30, you expect skin care products to offer more…

I tested the TEOXANE brand
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You don’t know how to meditate? Try guided meditation!
Read MoreEverybody knows about the benefits of meditation. You may already have tried it out on your own by following instructions from one of the many advisers. You may well have experienced the big problem for beginners – how do you go about it, and above all, how do you concentrate. How do you prevent your brain from kicking in, so that your thoughts go off in all directions? To help…

Cuba – like stepping into a picture postcard
Read MoreIf you’re looking for the exotic and a complete change of pace and scene, Cuba will not disappoint. But don’t leave it too long before you go. I spent 10 days there, and the island still has its “picture postcard” allure. Cuba the magical, Cuba the enchanting – the words may be a cliché, but they’re a perfect definition for this big island with its tormented history. Staying with the…

Relieving muscular soreness after exercise
Read MoreOf all the consequences of re-starting a sport or physical activity after a break, muscular aches are probably the least fun. How can we reduce them so they don’t spoil our next sports session? Treatment with cold or heat Using cold or heat to relieve pain is a very ancient technique. If you can’t give yourself a session of cryotherapy, you can always speed your recovery with a hot bath….

EMDR for gentle treatment of phobias, addictions, depression and more
Read MoreEMDR, or Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, is a novel psychotherapeutic approach to the treatment of, amongst other things, phobias, addictions and depression. The method was developed in the USA at the end of the 1980s, by psychologist Francine Shapiro, and it was first used to treat post-traumatic syndromes. For victims of rape, accidents, bereavement or conflict, it’s now the best documented method in the English-speaking world, and the most…

My delicious recipe for home-made almond milk
Read MoreMore and more people are turning away from milks of animal origin, with their high levels of lactose and casein, containing fats and antibiotic residues, either because of allergies or just from feeling queasy after consuming it. However another question immediately presents itself – what to replace them with? The answer is not far to seek when you remember there are various vegetable- based milks that are an excellent replacement…

Slimming: 3 drinks that are more effective than lemon water
Read MoreAt the risk of disappointing anybody who believes in miracle diets, we have to look at the facts. No drink can miraculously make you lose weight. However, there are drinks that, as part of a balanced diet and with a healthy lifestyle, make a contribution to slimming. Coffee When drunk before a sports session, caffeine can extend your stamina and increase the calories burnt. Please note, obviously we’re talking about…

It’s fun and it’s sporty! The Kangoo Power arrives in Europe
Read MoreFed up with cardio workouts on a treadmill? Try the Kangoo Power – a new concept which links aerobics or running with kangaroo bounds! In South America, where Brazilian women have given them the thumbs-up, through the USA and Quebec, Kangoo Girls are taking over the sports halls. Kangoo Power is an aerobics (or running) workout on Kangoo Jump boots. They’re like ski boots on springs, and they let you…

Ho’oponopono as a way of getting back the keys to your life
Read MoreMore than a zen technique or a complicated spiritual solution, Ho’oponopono is a philosophy of life that comes to us from Hawaii. It’s based on respect for others and for yourself, and its premise is that nothing is due to chance; it’s the result of our own memories. Pono, as ancient Hawaiians called it, is part of daily life, guiding every moment spontaneously and simply. You won’t find any regulations…

Mindfulness and weight loss
Read MoreMindfulness – a slimming technique which gives results without starving yourself Doctors and psychologists agree that paying full attention to the present moment and the pleasure of eating will let you get back to a healthy and straightforward relationship with food. It’s an internal “mindfulness” experiment that we will now describe. Re-establish contact with your senses The practice of mindfulness is about using a set of mental exercises to be…