“The guide to a freer, healthier and happier life”. (ELLE) Addicted to our screens, to the Internet, compulsive players, emotionally dependent, hooked on tobacco, on alcohol, on food, on sex … We are all, to very varying degrees, dependent on something which may cause problems if it gets out of control. Could you be affected? The answer is in this book! It will help you to keep or – if…

Addiction – a modern-day scourge that we all have to watch out for
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Feminine energy – liberate your potential
Read MoreOver the centuries, and still today, we’ve tended to see personal energy as having two forms. Masculine energy, which is often centre-stage, relates to the outer world. It’s about organising, planning and managing. It’s logical, it’s literal. Feminine energy, by contrast, is linked to the inner world – to feelings, to emotions, to the heart, to the very essence of what women traditionally are. Of course, we have to be…

You don’t know how to meditate? Try guided meditation!
Read MoreEverybody knows about the benefits of meditation. You may already have tried it out on your own by following instructions from one of the many advisers. You may well have experienced the big problem for beginners – how do you go about it, and above all, how do you concentrate. How do you prevent your brain from kicking in, so that your thoughts go off in all directions? To help…

EMDR for gentle treatment of phobias, addictions, depression and more
Read MoreEMDR, or Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, is a novel psychotherapeutic approach to the treatment of, amongst other things, phobias, addictions and depression. The method was developed in the USA at the end of the 1980s, by psychologist Francine Shapiro, and it was first used to treat post-traumatic syndromes. For victims of rape, accidents, bereavement or conflict, it’s now the best documented method in the English-speaking world, and the most…

Ho’oponopono as a way of getting back the keys to your life
Read MoreMore than a zen technique or a complicated spiritual solution, Ho’oponopono is a philosophy of life that comes to us from Hawaii. It’s based on respect for others and for yourself, and its premise is that nothing is due to chance; it’s the result of our own memories. Pono, as ancient Hawaiians called it, is part of daily life, guiding every moment spontaneously and simply. You won’t find any regulations…

Mindfulness and weight loss
Read MoreMindfulness – a slimming technique which gives results without starving yourself Doctors and psychologists agree that paying full attention to the present moment and the pleasure of eating will let you get back to a healthy and straightforward relationship with food. It’s an internal “mindfulness” experiment that we will now describe. Re-establish contact with your senses The practice of mindfulness is about using a set of mental exercises to be…

Why do we procrastinate, and how can we stop?
Read MoreProcrastination! A long word for a very common thing, which consists of putting off until tomorrow something we could do today. People who are blamed for this behaviour are often more its misunderstood victims. When somebody procrastinates a lot, it can handicap their life in general. Why do people put things off until tomorrow? There are several reasons why we put off doing things when they can, or ought to,…

Relationships: do your romantic setbacks have anything in common?
Read MoreYou can’t have a healthy relationship unless you know what one is. It’s often said that everything dates back to our childhood. To find the key to relationships, look at your relationships with your parents. At any rate, that is a deeply-held belief of Anne-France Huret, a psychologist who specialises in couple and family therapy. As a therapist, she takes the view that the romantic setbacks we encounter are not…

Using meditation to control emotions
Read MoreA new American study, appearing in the journal Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, confirms that mindfulness meditation can help to manage stress and negative emotions Mindfulness meditation Is it pseudo science, just a trendy phenomenon arising in response to present-day problems? Meditation has as many detractors as it does committed followers, but more and more of the latter. Say “meditation” and everybody has a mental image of somebody in the lotus…

The use of NLP in sports preparation
Read MoreNeuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), inspired by Erickson hypnosis, is used routinely in preparation by sportspeople to get results. All of us, whatever our level, can benefit from its techniques. NLP, which has been very fashionable for some years now, developed out of hypnosis. The exact techniques it uses aim in a sense to “programme” the brain so that it “forgets” the limits it has set for itself over time. These limits…