Not Just ‘Another Dumb Blonde!’


It’s been an age-old stereotype: Blondes are dumb. As simple and silly as that statement might seem, it’s been the subject of jokes, movie plots, and everyday conversation for years and years, giving blondes a negative reputation for being scatterbrained, forgetful, and simply ‘not that smart.’ Society has played upon this stereotype by taking advantage of the idea that because blondes aren’t so smart, they have more fun, or are better sex symbols, etc. But, it’s likely that blondes have been tired of these stereotypes for quite some time.

And now, they don’t have to listen to them any more!

Thanks to a recent study from Ohio State University, blondes no longer have to face the stereotype of being just a little bit ‘dumb’ in comparison to their brunette or red-headed counterparts. The study looked at 10,878 white American women who claimed their natural hair colour was blonde, and discovered that of those women, the average IQ score was within three points of women with other hair colours. Some parts of the study even suggest that in some particular cases, blondes had higher IQs, but because there wasn’t enough of a sample to confirm that statement, for now, being on par with every other hair colour will have to do in order to shut down the stereotypes.

This has been an intense study, going on since 1979, where women have been repeatedly surveyed when it comes to their natural hair colour. Their qualification testing consisted of things like numeracy and word knowledge.

So, How Do Blondes Add Up?

In the testing results, it was discovered that the white blonde American women who took the qualification tests came back with an average IQ score of 103.2. In comparison, the average for brunettes was 102.7, the average for redheads was 101.2, and for women with black hair, the average was 100.5.

Stereotypes tend to push individuals, or even entire groups of people into categories that simply aren’t true. This extensive study goes above and beyond to prove this age-old stereotype wrong once and for all. Again, the argument could certainly be made that overall, blondes are actually smarter than women with other hair colours. And while there may not be quite enough evidence to back that up just yet, there is certainly enough to determine that there’s no such thing as just ‘another dumb blonde.’ Can blondes can have more fun, and be smarter than the rest of us at the same time? Well, maybe they’ve actually got things more figured out than we’ve ever given them credit for.


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