Slimming: 3 drinks that are more effective than lemon water

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At the risk of disappointing anybody who believes in miracle diets, we have to look at the facts. No drink can miraculously make you lose weight. However, there are drinks that, as part of a balanced diet and with a healthy lifestyle, make a contribution to slimming.


When drunk before a sports session, caffeine can extend your stamina and increase the calories burnt. Please note, obviously we’re talking about plain coffee, without sugar and with no added cream or milk.

Cold water

Surprising as it may seem, cold water burns more calories than does lemon water. The reason is that the body burns calories as it naturally raises the temperature of the cold water to match the body temperature.

Green tea

Studies show that regular drinkers of green tea weigh less and have a slimmer waist. It has been shown that green tea, because it is high in antioxidants, helps with weight control and with better distribution of fats in the body, especially as regards the abdominal zone.


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