model: Pauline t-shirt: noddiction collection
Everybody knows about the benefits of meditation. You may already have tried it out on your own by following instructions from one of the many advisers. You may well have experienced the big problem for beginners – how do you go about it, and above all, how do you concentrate. How do you prevent your brain from kicking in, so that your thoughts go off in all directions?
To help overcome these difficulties, which might otherwise put you off altogether, try guided meditation. It involves one-to-one coaching for an hour or less, depending on what suits you and what time you have available. You can also do it online. Follow the voice of our coach, who will give you a framework for understanding your body and your emotions. You will learn to deactivate the intrusive thoughts that get in the way of progress. You’ll learn to know yourself and to know your objectives; you’ll be able to take back control over your mind and body. It’s well worth trying, instead of giving up on this technique for relaxation.
I tested it out with Kyle Stuller. He’s a personal development coach, and he designs customised sessions to give you a deeper knowledge of an everyday subject. Meditation lets you deal with stress, be in the present moment, let go, concentrate, manage your emotions, and more. There are also applications that provide sessions of meditation on particular themes. I’ll leave you to discover the benefits if it sounds good to you.
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