

Can an addiction to pessimism be detrimental to our health? Is a negative outlook holding us back from a happier, healthier state of being? Modern research tends to suggest that the way we view the world; ourselves, our future, work, family etc., can have a huge effect on how we experience it.

So how can a pessimistic outlook affect us, and what can we do to turn that frown upside down and change our outlook to one of optimism and positivity? Read on as we look at why pessimism is so damaging for our health and how we can change our outlook, and our bodies, for the better.

As far back as the Ancient Greeks, medics and philosophers alike have inferred that there is a direct link between our mental and our physical wellbeing. Whilst this concept has been debated in depth for centuries, more recently the concepts of Optimism and Pessimism have been particularly popular areas of research. Much like a drug addiction, pessimism is a self-fulfilling state, constantly feeding itself with more of the same and findings now suggest that a pessimistic outlook can have direct affects for our health, but how? Well pessimists experience high levels of stress for one; anyone who assumes the worst in life will be in a near permanent state of stress. Studies into stress and physical health overwhelmingly suggest that it can cause, and certainly worsen our wellbeing. Stress can tighten our muscles, it can cause insomnia, depression, overeating, drug addictions and much more.

In extreme cases, stress could even kill us. (Stress is a major cause of medical problems throughout the western world.)

So what can we do? Aren’t we naturally born as pessimists or optimists, isn’t this already laid out in our DNA? Well no, there are in fact plenty of ways to change our outlook to one of positivity. One key idea is to stop looking backwards. Demons in our past can be holding us back, encouraging us to stick with dark thoughts, struggling to imagine a better future. Seeking out therapy is a key way for people to deal with this fear.

Self-belief is a major aspect of optimism. Those who belief in themselves and their own achievements tend to experience a happier, healthier lifestyle. Whilst pessimists would believe that anything good that has happened was by chance, optimists take pride in their own achievements, safe in the knowledge that they themselves made it happen, whether it was getting the perfect job, winning a race, making a new friend or simply having a great day.

Replacing our negative thoughts with positive ones is another key action. Rather than wake up thinking about what terrible events lay ahead, concentrate on what great things might happen. Something as simple as seeing a beautiful flower or enjoying a bit of sunshine can put a smile on your face, and if it does rain then make the most of spending time with loved ones indoors.

Most significantly, to change from pessimistic to optimistic thoughts, it’s imperative to get rid of the fear. The fear that has been put there by family, from childhood, work and society, the fear of something bad happening… Have you ever noticed that the things you most fear hardly ever happen?

Changing a negative outlook for a positive one is easier than you think. Believe in yourself, take stock of what you have in life and deal with those demons. Anyone who takes steps to rid themselves of pessimism will find that before long, they’re leading a happier and healthier life.


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