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Tag : money

What makes kleptomania an addictive condition?

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When we walk around shops, all of us sometimes see things that we would like to possess. In a world full of consumer goods, and limited money to buy them, sometimes that desire to possess can become an impulse to steal. However, few of us act on such impulses. Kleptomaniacs are different. Kleptomania refers to a mental health condition where the sufferer is unable to resist the impulse to steal…

Dependence on money

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Money, whether you analyse it to the last detail, right down to Georg Simmel’s The Philosophy of Money, or whether you have only a purely practical view of it, is a universal exchange medium which builds both our hopes and our anxieties. In this article, we’ll look at what happens when a person has a pathological relationship with money, one which falls within the category of addiction. When money burns…