Beating The Bloat – Tips To Help Your Belly Feel Flat

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Chances are, we all experience bloating from time to time. Even the fittest people in the world aren’t immune to feeling as though their stomach is stretched. The sensation is not weight gain though. Bloating is actually a type of swelling in our stomachs, caused mostly by gas. While it’s not exactly fun to think about, the fact is, we all have to deal with it once in a while, and it’s not a very enjoyable experience. There are many things that can cause bloating, and unfortunately, there is no one ‘cure all’ to deal with it. But, there are a few tricks you can use to help battle the bloat. Check out these useful tips to avoid feeling bloated, or to help prevent it altogether.

Don’t eat so fast – Eating your food very quickly can cause you to actually breathe in more air, which can build up as gas in your stomach. Instead, enjoy your food slowly to limit the amount of air you take in.

Avoid stress – That’s right, it’s not always what we eat that causes us to feel bloated. Stress can mess with our digestive system, causing our stomachs to become upset, and a naturally-bloated feeling can occur.

Drink more water, less soda – The carbonation in soda and other fizzy drinks is a huge culprit behind feeling bloated, and it’s no wonder! If you can hear it fizzing in the can, just imagine what it’s doing inside your stomach. Instead, drink more water, which can actually help flush out the gasses and leave you feeling leaner.

Avoid too much salt – Food containing a lot of sodium chloride can contribute to bloating in a big way. Stay away from heavily-processed foods made with a lot of preservatives and salt, and instead opt for fresher options.

Limit chewing gum and sugar-free foods – Chewing gum typically is advertised as sugar-free, so it fits well in this category. Chewing gum itself, and most sugar-free foods, contain chemicals that can cause our stomachs to become upset, because they’re not natural, and can have negative effects on our bodies. Not only can it cause bloating, but actual sickness if you eat too much. While it’s not great to have sugary treats very often, try to indulge in the real thing once in awhile, rather than frequently eating sugar-free options.

Eat smaller, and more often – Eating two or three large meals a day sets your body up for bloating, as you are likely to be putting more food into your body than it can comfortably process. Instead, opt for several small meals a day. This will keep your metabolism revved up, give you more energy, and fight against bloating.

Try an ‘anti-bloating’ potion – While there is no one solution to cure bloating, there are things you can try to combat it, that have been proven to help, including peppermint tea, pineapple juice, and yoghurts with probiotics.


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