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Tag : sprain

A sprain is never something to take lightly

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We often think of a sprain as a trivial thing, and start doing sport again as soon as the pain stops. I’ve just been through this experience myself, and I’d like to pass on to you the results of my thoughts and research. Of course I’m not a doctor, but I can tell you what happened to me, and what I’ve found out. The RICE protocol So, I sprained my…

Cryotherapy, a chilled experience for pain treatment

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Placed in an environment at -110º for three minutes, the human body produces endorphins, which reduce pain. Sportsmen and women have been benefiting from this for a long time, and it is now reaching the general public. Using cold to ease pain is a very old technique, which got the official stamp of approval about 40 years ago when researchers became interested in its effects. Treatments using intense cold spread…