Do Words Have the Power to Turn a Life Around?

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Every day of your life, words alter your consciousness.

Every time you are stirred by a speech, moved by a poem, captivated by a story or touched by the lyrics of a song it is human thought, encoded in language and conveyed in written or spoken symbols, that is affecting you.

So, as language is essentially thought made manifest, can the way we use our own words have an effect upon our own minds? Most definitely, according to Mark England, a personal development enthusiast and a co-founder of Procabulary.

The basic concept behind Procabulary is that we can harness the power of words to change the way we view experiences and deal with problems, ridding ourselves of negative thoughts and training our minds to be positive in a way that can have a profound impact on our lives. Neuroplasticity makes this possible.

The Function of Neuroplasticity

Neuroplasticity is the ability of the brain to reorganise itself by forming new neural connections. This occurs completely naturally, so that we are often barely aware of the process, but without neuroplasticity we would be unable to adapt to new situations or assimilate and act upon fresh concepts.

A major influence on such mental rewiring is the power of words. Language patterns that most of us adopt unconsciously can have either a positive or negative effect on our lives. If we wish, we can take conscious control of our use of language and reap the beneficial effects.

Can Procabulary Techniques Be Used To Deal With Addiction?

At the recent Mind Body Festival in Istanbul, Mark England explained that Procabulary approaches addiction as a late stage manifestation of internal conflict. Thoughts influence brain development, so conflicted people are more likely to be addicted. Therefore, it becomes necessary to take a holistic approach and change the addict’s environment, including the people they are involved with, the food they eat and, especially, the way they think. The latter can be done by changing their approach to the language they use.

Mark mentioned that this method could be used to help emotionally addicted people, too, by adjusting how they think about the person to whom they are addicted. Using their words as a measuring tool, Procabulary techniques determine the reasons why people behave in a certain way. This then forms the basis for a more positive approach to language, and therefore a more positive approach to life.

Words are indeed powerful. They can turn our thoughts into reality, and turn a life around.

Personal Experience with Procabulary: I started the 21 days online workshop and I strongly recommend it. I already believed in the power of words and this has once again reiterated how crucial it is to use the right words. Positive words lead to positive thoughts and positive energy, which in turn leads to a positive life – it’s a real lifestyle choice!

Check the online workshop here.


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