Procrastination! A long word for a very common thing, which consists of putting off until tomorrow something we could do today. People who are blamed for this behaviour are often more its misunderstood victims. When somebody procrastinates a lot, it can handicap their life in general. Why do people put things off until tomorrow? There are several reasons why we put off doing things when they can, or ought to,…

Why do we procrastinate, and how can we stop?
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8 Superfoods you should be eating for healthy, shiny hair
Read MoreWe all want our hair to have that healthy, shiny glow. We tend to think it’s hard to achieve the look without introducing a bunch of products and chemicals into our routine. But, did you know you can affect the overall health of your hair just by changing your eating habits? Let’s take a look at eight foods your hair will love – and you’ll love the way your hair…

How to remove pesticides from fruits and vegetables
Read MoreOrganic produce has grown in popularity over the past few years, and can be a great option with many different benefits. However, shopping organically for fruits and vegetables isn’t always within everyone’s budget. Hopefully, there will come a day when organic farming becomes the norm. But until then, those of us looking for healthy, delicious produce can still take comfort in knowing what we buy can be made better by…

The mulberry and natural weight-loss
Read MoreMulberries are not only sweet and tasty; they’re also unusually rich in iron and calcium, and in fibre and protein. In traditional Chinese medicine, they are prescribed to tone up the blood, treat constipation, cure colds and delay the arrival of grey hair. Some substances recently discovered in the mulberry are able to help your body with weight loss, without starving it. A weighty discovery A study by researchers at…

Relationships: do your romantic setbacks have anything in common?
Read MoreYou can’t have a healthy relationship unless you know what one is. It’s often said that everything dates back to our childhood. To find the key to relationships, look at your relationships with your parents. At any rate, that is a deeply-held belief of Anne-France Huret, a psychologist who specialises in couple and family therapy. As a therapist, she takes the view that the romantic setbacks we encounter are not…

Read MoreThe philosophy here at Nu O’Clock is to give a boost to health in all its forms. And with Valentine’s Day nearly here, we’ve put together a suitably romantic package for you. Romantic – but lite Strawberry and chocolate duo Low in calories, and as aphrodisiac as you could want, chocolate-coated strawberries have become THE essential romantic dessert. A little square of happiness Do you fancy a snack that will…

Using meditation to control emotions
Read MoreA new American study, appearing in the journal Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, confirms that mindfulness meditation can help to manage stress and negative emotions Mindfulness meditation Is it pseudo science, just a trendy phenomenon arising in response to present-day problems? Meditation has as many detractors as it does committed followers, but more and more of the latter. Say “meditation” and everybody has a mental image of somebody in the lotus…

When colour means mood
Read MoreWe often say that an optimist sees life through rose-tinted glasses, that somebody is “feeling blue” of they’re sad or that they’ve “seen red” if they’re angry. It’s a fact – colours play an important role in our daily lives. Some of them even have a specific effect on our body organs. Many practitioners use chromotherapy equipment to treat a sprain or to balance blood pressure. But did you know…

Re-starting sport after the festive break
Read MoreWhen the end-of-year partying is over, it’s time to start doing sport again, intensively or otherwise. But where’s the motivation going to come from? For sportspeople, professional or amateur, the winter season or the festive period is a time to have a break and recharge physically and psychologically. There may not be a physical or medical reason for stopping doing sport for a time, but the desire to go out…

2017: The year of the positive revolution?
Read MoreThis time of year lends itself to reflection. I would like you to keep in mind, in 2017 and beyond, that you have in your possession the most effective tool ever invented for keeping motivated to pursue your passions, and for keeping alive the sense of wonder that adds magic to everything we experience. The big question is how to make use of it. Probably you would like the coming…